Schools with CACB Accredited Programs
University of British Columbia
School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture
School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
Faculty of Architecture
McEwen School of Architecture
School of Architecture
Toronto Metropolitan University
Department of Architectural Science
Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design
Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism
Peter Guo-hua Fu School of Architecture
École d'architecture
Faculté d'aménagement, d'architecture, d'art et de design (FAAD)
Faculty of Architecture and Planning
Click to see our organization's land acknowledgement by region.
2023 / 2024 Representatives
Each school accredited by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) elects one or two CASA student representatives via their architecture student association(s) for a one-year term.
Students interested in taking on a representative role at their school are encouraged to reach out their student association for consideration, as well as to their current school representative(s).
2024 / 2025 Representatives
Each school accredited by the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB) elects one or two CASA student representatives via their architecture student association(s) for a one-year term.
Students interested in taking on a representative role at their school are encouraged to reach out their student association for consideration, as well as to their current school representative(s).
University of British Columbia
Nishi Praveen Kumar: nishi.praveen.kumar@casa-acea.org
Graduate: Vacant
Undergraduate: Vacant
Graduate: Vignesh Anand: vignesh.anand@casa-acea.org
Undergraduate: Kirsten Yeryk: kirsten.yeryk@casa-acea.org
Graduate: Vacant
Undergraduate: Vacant
Graduate: Adayah Okung: adayah.okung@casa-acea.org
Undergraduate: Wanying Pei: wanying.pei@casa-acea.org
Jhony Li Feng: jlifeng@casa-acea.org
Sara Ing: Sara.ing@casa-acea.org
Graduate: Angeline Reyes: angeline.reyes@casa-acea.org
Toronto Metropolitan University
Undergraduate: Vacant
Graduate: Olivia Nunn: Olivia.nunn@casa-acea.org
Undergraduate: Vacant
Graduate: Vacant
Carleton University
Undergraduate: Vacant
Graduate: Vacant
McGill University
Undergraduate: Vacant
Université de Montréal
Undergraduate: Vacant
Graduate: Vacant
Frédérique Lafontaine: frederique.lafontaine@casa-acea.org
Graduate: Vacant
Christina Garcia christina.garcia@casa-acea.org
Kaylee Peters: kaylee.peters@casa-acea.org